54 articles written
George DiGiacomo
Vanguard Ships AI Package
Vanguard Software Corp. Thursday
introduced DecisionScript, a software package...
Bluestone Software Launches Code Blue
Bluestone Software Thursday launched Code
Blue, a developer program...
ASP Tool Hides Code
Infomentum Monday released ASPLightning, a packaging and deployment tool designed to
protect the intellectual property of Web applications based on Microsoft's
Active Server Pages technology.
ASPLightning protects ASP source code and is said...
Web-Based Site Analyzer Debuts
WebSideStory Friday released HitBOX Site Analyzer, a new, free version of the Web traffic
analysis service, HitBOX.
HitBOX Site Analyzers path tracking capability
profiles where the visitor came from, point of entry, the paths...
Vanguard Ships AI Package
Vanguard Software Corp. Thursday
introduced DecisionScript, a software package for building Web sites that
use artificial intelligence.
DecisionScript tracks a visitor's session and
interacts by asking questions and dynamically constructing individualized Web pages.
O’Reilly Releases Perl Titles
O'Reilly & Associates has released a
suite of six popular Perl books on a single CD-ROM.
The Perl CD
Bookshelf contains the titles Programming Perl, Learning Perl, Perl
in a Nutshell, Perl Cookbook, Learning Perl...
Andover.Net Offers Web-based HTML Tools
Andover.Net Tuesday launched
HTMLWorks, a new online application for creating and editing Web pages online through a browser.
HTMLWorks is Andover.Net's second e-Tool and one of a variety of free
resources available on the...
OASIS XML Conformance Test Suite Released
OASIS Friday released the OASIS XML Conformance Test Suite - a set of more than 1,000 tests that
determine the ability of XML parsers to handle test cases built on the W3C recommendation.
Web.com Offers Free Redirect Service
Web Internet LLC Thursday launched
Web.com, a free domain name redirect service.
The service, known as WebAddress, provides site owners with a free domain name and redirects visitors to an owner's existing Web site.
O’Reilly Releases SQL Title
O'Reilly & Associates has released a
new book titled MySQL and mSQL which assists
with building a database-backed Internet Web site running on UNIX or Linux.
MySQL and mSQL are database products that...