The Web Standards Project (WaSP)
Tuesday endorsed the W3C‘s
Recommendation for
XHTML, sending a message to browser makers that standards
should remain a priority.
XHTML, Extensible Hypertext Markup Language, combines the best features of
HTML with the flexibility and database-oriented functionality of XML,
combining text and other data types into a single, extensible standard that
embraces the needs of content and commerce.
Simon St. Laurent, a member of the WaSP Steering Committee, stated, “XML’s
strict rules for conformance give XHTML a backbone that HTML has never had,
and promise to open up new possibilities for XHTML processing, storage, and
creation as the standard spreads. It’s a big step forward.” At the same
time, WaSP Steering Committee member Tim Bray warned that, “the important
benefits of XHTML are unachievable without proper and complete
implementations of CSS, XML, and the Document Object Model.”
Web developers have increasingly expressed frustration over the lack of
consistant support for web standards. Each browser release means that
developers must create work arounds for the lack of compliance. “Some of
these standards are five years old, and all of them were developed with the
cooperation of the browser makers, who pledged to implement the standards
they had helped to create. Web builders and Web users need these companies
to keep their promise,” said Jeffrey Zeldman, group leader of The Web
Standards Project.
“The good news is, the browser companies have begun to
fully implement some of these standards. We encourage them to continue, and
not to become side-tracked by the promise of XHTML…which could end up yet
another unfulfilled promise, if the original core standards are not supported first.”
For additional information on XHTML, visit the W3C’s XHTML Web site.