World Wide Web Consortium Announces CSS1 Test Suite

The World Wide Web
this week announced the release of a test suite designed
specifically for the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) language.

CSS is the style sheet language that specifies how Web pages are presented.
The benefits of using CSS1 include shorter documents which are downloaded
faster, more attractive and accessible Web pages, and easier site
management. The W3C’s CSS1 Test Suite will enable software developers to
improve the support for CSS1 in their products. The suite will also allow
Web developers to check the level of CSS1 support in their browsers.

The Test Suite is the first such tool to accompany a W3C Recommendation and
shows that the W3C is developing specifications as well as making tools
which encourage “interoperable implementations” of the specifications they

The test suite features nearly 100 pages which document all of the sections
of the CSS specification. The pages indicate how each of the various CSS
features should be rendered by the Web browser.

The W3C has already started working on a test suite for CSS2, the latest
level of CSS.

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