Inc. this week announced that it has incorporated eXtensible Security
Architecture (XSA) into DataChannel RIO, its flagship product.
DataChannel RIO provides developers with a framework they can use to create
“two-way portals” on intranets and extranets. XSA embedded within
DataChannel RIO enables DataChannel RIO users with a secure framework for
integrating business-to-business and e-commerce applications with other
information systems.
In its current release, DataChannel RIO utilizes names and passwords from
Windows NT domains as part of its security functions. With the
incorporation of XSA capabilities, DataChannel now includes support for
fully authenticated user sessions across standard security interfaces such
as X.509, ADSI, and LDAP. The company believes that “DataChannel RIO will
leverage existing security systems, which will save businesses considerable
development time and money, as well as greatly reduce support costs in
DataChannel RIO with its upcoming XSA extensions will provide a secure
method of automating client-server/server-to-server transactions using the
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Businesses can then enable their customers to
securely access critical data via the Web.
Prices for DataChannel RIO 3.1 start at $9,500 for the server with up to
100 end user licenses. The new DataChannel eXtensible Security Architecture
(XSA) API will be included with the DataChannel RIO 3.2 SDK, which is due
to be released in the fourth quarter of 98. For additional information, or
to download a free 45-day trial of DataChannel RIO, visit the DataChannel
Inc. Web site.