Mecklermedia announced its fifth annual
Internet World Canada ’99, slated for February 2-5, 1999 at the Metro
Toronto Convention Centre.
The event is one of Canada’s largest for e-business and Internet
technology–attendance is expected to exceed 10,000 Canadian Internet
industry and business professionals, with 125 leading exhibitors, including
3Com Canada, Broadvision, DoubleClick Canada, E*Trade Canada, IBM,
Intershop, Reuters, Solunet, and UUNet.
Conference co-sponsors include The Canadian Association of Internet
Professionals, Association of Web Professionals, Internet Advertising
Bureau Canada, Network World Canada, Computerworld Canada, CIO Canada, Adeo
Communications, the Zeff Group, DoubleClick Canada, IHS Micromedia,
Ericsson, and IBM.
This year’s conference program will focus on future Internet applications
in six major workshops: E-Business Symposium, Enterprise Internet Forum,
Web Advertising and Marketing Forum, Webmaster’s Symposium, IP Telephony
Exchange, and ISPCON Canada ’99–a new satellite event targeted
specifically at ISPs.
The keynotes will feature such luminaries as Todd Finch, president,
Netscape Communications Canada; Jeanette Symons, co-founder and executive
vice president, Ascend Communications; John Patrick, vice president,
Internet Technology, IBM; and James Adams, CEO of United Press International.
For more information on exhibiting, e-mail, or for program
information. Online
registration as well as daily Canadian Internet-related news is also
available at the site.