Intuit, Inc. and Excite announced today the launch of the
QuickMortgage Refinance Center, an online resource for users interested in
refinancing their home loans.
The Refinance Center is accessible from both Intuit’s Home and Mortgage department on and Excite’s Business and
Investing Channel by
Visitors to the online resource will be able to access news and advice,
mortgage rates, a directory listing other online refinancing resources, and
an online community area comprising chat rooms and bulletin boards for
trading information.
The Center also features QuickMortgage’s interview process, in which users
can compare available mortgage rates from potential lenders, and then start
the application process online once a lender has been chosen.
“Instead of waiting online to get application packages from multiple
lenders in my area, I used QuickenMortgage and shopped six lenders in under
15 minutes. I must have saved 4-8 hours of time. I am also saving a couple
of hundred dollars per month through the refinancing,” said Gail Plank, a
Massachusetts-based consumer.