The cable-access ISP @Home Network said
General Motors, Toyota and Acura, have selected @Home to test drive their rich
media Internet advertising campaigns.
@Home said its high-bandwidth, high-speed
network allows advertisers to incorporate quality video, near CD-quality
audio, in-depth information and a high degree of interactivity into their ads.
Rich media advertisements can integrate broadcast video clips into the @Home
ad space and can provide a point-of-purchase mechanism.
Within the ads, consumers will be able to choose the color of their car,
request a video or brochure, enter their phone number to be connected directly
to their local automotive dealer or set up an appointment to test drive a
“The automotive industry recognizes the power of interactive advertising,”
said Susan Bratton, director of advertising for @Home. “@Home’s broadband
Internet connectivity lets them combine rich product information, the
emotional impact of video and the transactional capability of e-commerce all
in a single, robust ad.”
General Motors chose Buick, Chevrolet and Oldsmobile as the first to
participate in the broadband advertising program. The Toyota ad includes a
photo gallery with a camera that allows users to choose from a variety of
views of the 1999 Camry Solara. Users are also able to request a video or a
brochure of the Solara, which will allow Toyota to generate sales leads. Last
quarter Acura placed B*box brand advertising in the @Home service. Now the
company will spotlight the new Acura TL. Spending was not disclosed.