Netratings Signs 20 Customers In 30 Days

In the first 30 days since launching its new Online Observer Audience
Information Service, Milpitas, CA-based NetRatings said it has signed 20
customers and sold 60 user licenses.

Observer is a Web audience measurement service that integrates ad banner
tracking with user demographics designed for planning and post-campaign

Customers signed include:, Alta Vista, CKS Media, eBay, Hitachi,
IDG, InfoSeek, I-balls, Kirshenbaum Bond & Partners, Lot 21, Netscape, News
America, Organic Online, Skymall,, Xoom and Yahoo.

“Regardless of recent heated discussions surrounding methodologies and
practices of Web audience measurement, one thing is clear: agencies and site
publishers need Web audience information and especially ad banner tracking
information,” said Tim Meadows, NetRatings’ vice president of marketing.

Online Observer’s BannerTrack claims to be the only service capable of
reporting on the audience that views and clicks on ad banners, independent of
site-based traffic analysis and server logs.

An interface links this information to user profiles, allowing planners to
identify who saw the banners and who clicked. Online Observer lets NetRatings
subscribers compare ad banner performance between competitors or banners
within the same campaign.

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