After a lot of speculation, the iPad has landed. The specs measure up to most of the rumors, but the price comes in a bit lower than many predicted. The choice buyers will face: Is the 802.11n Wi-FI connectivity good enough, or is it worth the extra $130 to add 3G support?
Apple CEO Steve Jobs today unveiled the worst-kept secret in the Silicon Valley:
Apple’s tablet PC, dubbed the iPad.
The device delivered most of what had been long rumored: It’s got a 9.7-inch screen
with pixel-doubling technology to play back high-definition video and 16 to 64GB of flash
storage. Networking is handled courtesy of its support for 802.11n, Bluetooth and 3G
wireless, which will be available on some models and supported via Apple’s partnership
with AT&T. And the unit is a half-inch thick, weighing just 1.5 pounds.
The price tag, however, proved one surprise: The device starts at $499 — far below
most pundits’ expectations. That’s for the barebones unit, though, with 16GB of flash
Read “Apple’s ‘Truly Magical’ iPad Debuts” at Enterprise Mobile Today