Amid the innumerable skirmishes developers have had with Apple over gaining entry for their applications into the App Store, few have been of a higher profile than the saga of Google Voice.
The brief run-down saw Google develop the app for its omnibus telephony service only to see it rejected by Apple. The feds got involved, Google developed a Web-based HTML 5 version, but now Apple has relented, and is allowing Google Voice to run natively on the iPhone. Enterprise Mobile Today takes a look.
After spending nearly a year and a half shut out of Apple’s App Store, Google Voice has finally been allowed through the gate.
Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) has confirmed that Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) has indeed approved a native version of the omnibus telephony tool for its App Store, bringing to a close a long standoff that formed a sturdy subplot in the intensifying rivalry between the two tech titans.