Taking advantage of its continuing research on the delivery of secure downloaded media, Kanakaris Wireless (http://www.kanakaris.com) will launch a CinemaWear DVOD (downloadable video on demand) service offering high-quality distribution of movies available from the company’s CinemaPop.com web site. Selected movie offerings will be available for direct download with complete security and delivery at the fastest possible download rates, attributes that are ideal for licensing agreements with movie and content producers.
In the ongoing CinemaWear research program, the company reports it has effectively reduced a media file size by 5 to 6 percent while continuing to deliver the high-quality CinemaWear viewing experience that has placed Kanakaris Wireless on the cutting edge of encoding and media delivery. (A smaller file size reduces the amount of time taken to download a media file.)
Kanakaris Wireless also announced today that it has completed the final step in the application process that will allow the company to immediately deploy Windows Media Rights Manager 7 (WMRM7). When integrated into the company’s existing Windows Media Server, WMRM7 issues a digital license that allows for the complete securing of both downloaded and streaming media. Included is the ability to set viewing parameters such as number of plays, calendar dates of plays, and the ability to limit the number of times media can be copied to a CD. Once media are copied to a CD, the digital license remains intact and carries the original licensed parameters, including data on the number of previous plays. If someone receives a media file that has an expired license, that user will be directed back to the site of origin to obtain a digital license.
“This is the last hurdle in the company’s aggressive media agenda in terms of the ability to secure and deliver high-quality media,” said Robert Wood, chief technologist for Kanakaris Wireless. “CinemaWear is now a complete package and will be fully deployed in support of CinemaPop.com within 30 days. This event puts Kanakaris Wireless in a position to immediately begin offering the total CinemaWear package as a business-to-business service within that same amount of time.”
CinemaWear offers high-quality encoding, hosting, and secure delivery. The entire process is supervised in-house by Kanakaris Wireless to maintain the highest form of quality control and single-point accountability.
Kanakaris Wireless is based in Irvine, California.