Bluestone Adds Vendors to Its Code Blue Program

Twelve software vendors are joining Bluestone Software Inc.’s
Code Blue developers’ program.

Code Blue is designed to enable small development firms with limited
budgets to access Bluestone’s (BLSW) application server frameworks without the
hassle and limitations of initial, up-front licensing fees, the company
said. Code Blue provides Java, Web, and XML application developers with free
initial access to Bluestone’s application server frameworks so they can
build e-business and data integration applications.

Companies new to Code Blue are Alphonso Informex Pvt, BAPA, Brickhouse
Data Systems, Cadnetics, ClearLogic, Creative Sun, DataBase Consulting
Group, Eden Technology, I.C.E. Wireless, Kanrad Technology, Nichols, and
Orchid Systems.

Developers can register for Bluestone’s Code Blue developers’ program on
Bluestone’s site. To
participate in the program developers must complete a Code Blue online
seminar, complete the Bluestone XML or Sapphire/Web certification program,
and sign a royalty-based agreement.

Participation in the program provides developers with access to
Sapphire/Web, a pure Java application server; Bluestone XML-Server, a
dynamic XML server; and Bluestone Visual-XML, a toolkit for building XML

Bluestone Software is an enterprise interaction management software
vendor. Companies using e-business applications, such as MCI WorldCom,
Reliance National, Strategic Weather Services, and Time Inc., rely on
Bluestone products to meet their e-business needs.

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