Applied Innovation Management (AIM) introduced Asset Expert 5.0, an asset management and tracking system that can be administered via the World Wide Web.
Accessible from any browser, the tool is designed to allow the user to track company assets, documents, and inventory.
Walter Baxley, AIM marketing director, said: “The global, interactive,
dynamic nature of the web makes it the ideal platform on which to build the
new generation of asset management tools. Corporations with multiple
locations and multiple systems can now choose to have either separate
autonomous databases, or one centralized database that allows all asset and
resource information to be shared.”
As the vendor points out, the Internet is the best medium for connecting
departments, organizations and employees worldwide. AIM’s Asset Expert
5.0 uses the features of the Internet–ease of use, global connectivity, etc.–to let companies track their computers, disk drives, tape backups, printers, fax machines, telephones, etc. Its object-oriented Web engine allows companies to customize their solution without additional programming.
Optional modules available with Asset Expert 5.0 include a Barcode Reader and
a Microsoft SMS Server interface. With the Barcode Reader, staff can attach
barcode labels to items and scan them for tracking assets. The Microsoft
SMS Server automatically polls computers on a network to determine
software and hardware configurations.
For additional information and pricing, see the vendor’s site.