Android Favored Mobile OS of Recent Buyers

The second half of last year was a high time for Android. Google’s open source, mobile operating system powered the devices that proved a clear favorite among recent smartphone purchasers, according to new research from the Nielsen Company.

In fact, the portion of recent smartphone buyers who told Nielsen that they opted for an Android device vaulted from 28 percent in July to nearly 41 percent in November. Meantime, Apple’s iOS remained essentially flat, while RIM saw its BlackBerry decline. Enterprise Mobile Today takes a look.

The race among smartphone operating system vendors looks either like a close one, or one with a clear winner, according to a leading analytics company.

In November, for example, among U.S. users who had bought a smartphone in the previous six months, Android was well ahead of competitors.

Read the full story at Enterprise Mobile Today:

Android Wins Among Recent Smartphone Buyers

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