Microforum, a worldwide content provider of multimedia products and Internet services, this week signed an agreement with The Microsoft Network Canada.
The agreement is a partnership with Microforum’s online software superstore,
Softmania, offering MSN subscribers
such special promotions as free, unlimited next-day shipping anywhere in Canada.
The promotion is valid for software products purchased on Softmania when
ordered through a special MSN link. Microsoft will communicate this
promotion to its subscribers, and will add Softmania to the list of MSN
“destinations” in a Computer & Software drop down menu section.
“We are helping MSN subscribers experience the benefits of online shopping
by making it even easier, and more accessible,” said Eric H. “Rick” Winston,
President & CEO of Microforum. “Once they visit Softmania online and have a
pleasant, enjoyable shopping experience, we believe they will continue to
come back.”
Founded in 1985, Microforum’s operations include software publishing, duplication, packaging, and distribution capabilities as well as customized multimedia software, animation, art and graphic design services. The company also provides Internet Web Site hosting and development through Internet Frontier, a wholly owned subsidiary.