Domestic Internet security distributor eSign Australia has announced its first local user, the Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce (VACC).
The VACC will use eSign’s OnSite Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) smart card technology to grant its 2000 members
administrative access to the organisationms exranet application, called
Users dispersed across the state will be able to access the extranet via
their PC, which is equipped with a browser and has an in-built smart card
drive. ARIN’s back end application recognises the digital certificate
embedded in the card, requests the userms Personal Identification Number,
and permits access.
Through ARIN, users can search for products and services to complement what
they provide.
The back end application, which is managed by eSign, was based on
Microsoft’s Site Server and developed by Australian systems integrator Com Tech Communications. Phase one of the project, which involved establishing ARIN’s supporting infrastructure, is now complete, with rollout expected to begin in the next few weeks.
The VACC hopes to expand its search facility to include commerce, so that
users can order and pay for products via the extranet. It is currently also
promoting ARIN to its 35,000 total users across Victoria.
eSign and the VACC made the announcement at the annual Com Tech Forum in
Queensland. eSign launched in August as a strategic partner of VeriSign, the
US-based provider of PKI and digital certificate security solutions.