41 articles written

Stafford Wadsworth


Germany’s Intershop Roadshow to Give E-Commerce Classes

INTERSHOP Communications, leading provider of e-commerce systems, is hitting...

German Auto Mag Expands to the Web

In March, one of Europe's biggest automobile magazines, Auto-Bild,...

Berlin Journalists Form Online Network

Cybernet Internet Services AG this week got together with...


Berlin Journalists Form Online Network

Cybernet Internet Services AG this week got together with the Berlin Media Club to link the city's 6,000 correspondents, editors and other journalists on the Web. In addition to training, an intranet between BMC...

Bertelsmann Exerts Influence Against Internet Extremism

The Simon Wiesenthal Center has criticized the distribution of Nazi literature including Hitler's Mein Kampf via Amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com and demanded a halt to shipments to Germany of such material. German book giant Bertelsmann...

Germany’s T-DSL 9 Times Faster Net Access — When It Works

Germany's computer technology magazine c't recently participated in DTAG's first consumer T-DSL test, and says the it achieved very high transmission rates (768kBits/s)-- when it was working. Whether the system will have the capacity...

Germany’s Bertelsmann Relaunches Game Channel as a Portal

The Game Channel will be relaunched at the beginning of August as a portal which will include a new interactive game guide, well-known partners and e-commerce. Shopping will be at byte on, the...

German Telco Regulator Publishes Market Forecast

The German telecommunications regulator's 6-month report indicated that telecom and Internet service provider investment volumes of will top $7.25 billion by the end of the year. New market parties alone are investing around DEM 3.7...

AOL Germany, TELES Drive to Recruit New Subscribers

AOL Germany, a joint venture of Bertelsmann AG and American Online Inc. has concluded a far-reaching marketing agreement in addition to existing cooperation with STRATO Medien AG, the Internet subsidiary of TELES AG. AOL...

DaimlerChrysler Telco Gets Top German Internet Address

Stuttgart-based ISP and telco Debitel, with major stakeholder Daimler Chrysler Services AG, is taking over the top Germany Internet address www.berlin.de as of July 1. Debitel has seized part of the Berlin value creation...

IAB Germany and dmmv Merge

Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), Germany, and the German multimedia association dmmv will merge July 1 to make dmmv IAB's German platform, targeting generic online marketing. IAB, which defines standards for the Internet as an...

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