OpenStack Grizzly Rounding Third

From the ‘RC3’ files:

The big OpenStack 2013.1 (aka Grizzly) open source cloud platform release is due out this week on 4/4.

I’m always curious about project stability and for me one possible OpenStack - Roundedleading indicator is the number of release candidates (RCs) that come out prior to a formal release. I’m not saying that more RCs mean more bugs, (I’ve seen plenty of projects issue a single RC and then issue piles of bugfixes post GA), but it is ‘interesting’ to see how the hot dog is made.

Some 10 days ago, I wrote about the RC1 for all the core OpenStack projects.

As of today’s date (April 1st ‘No Foolin’), five of the core projects are now at RC2 (Nova, Horizon, Keystone, Quantum, Glance and Swift). Only the Cinder project has needed an RC3 (so far). Cinder’s RC3 was a result of an incomplete removal of the rtslib dependency in RC2.

To be fair, Nova and Glance only hit RC2 on March 30th, which is actually three days after Cinder hit RC3 on March 27th.

“Due to various reported bugs (including an issue upgrading from Nova Folsom to Grizzly), we created new Grizzly release candidates for OpenStack Compute (“Nova”) and OpenStack Image Service (“Glance”),” OpenStack release manager Thierry Carrez, wrote in a mailing list message.

Personally, I doubt we’ll see any more RC3s this week. I just don’t see any show-stopper kind of things right now. Looking at the Nova compute project right now shows a remarkable list of ‘only’ fixed bugs

That doesn’t mean there still isn’t a bug (or two) that needs to be fixed. It just means that those other bugs would be addressed post official general-availability of Grizzly.

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at, the news service of the IT Business Edge Network,  the network for technology professionals Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

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